Monday, January 28, 2013

Delivering Bad News Tactfully and Effectively

Delivering bad news is never a question that anyone wants to hear because of the consequences or the results. The definition of bad news is: “one that is troublesome, unwelcome, or dangerous <stay away from him, he's bad news>” (Webster, 2013). To be tactfully and effectively means to be considerate of the other person but there are still rules that are set in place to follow.  A person can also be effectively by staying to the task at hand by staying fair, firm, and consistence.
As a department manager of a mid-sized company that provides technology support service that has 10 employees to deliver expertise in excellent customer service. Each employee has a responsibility and a goal to meet with the help of the team working together. Everyone knows his and her position in the workplace, and we try to keep it a peace full work place that is filled with love. There are always a few bad apples in the bunch that we have to dispose of because of his or her conduct with the customers or the coworkers. As the department manager there have to be regular meetings on the code of conduct and if anyone of those codes are broken then there are steps to follow.
·         The first step is a zero tolerance policy where racist remarks, sexual harassment, or gender discrimination of this organization will be terminated.
·         The second step is a verbal warning.
·         Third step is a write up showing the action that were taken against an employee who refuses to follow orders.
·         The fourth step after three write ups is two suspensions from work without pay for failure to obey rules and orders.
·         The last step is after all has failed is a final notice to my office discussing his or her future of employment with this company that will lead to dismissal, or termination.
As a department manager there is one employee who has been very rude and disrespectful to the customers and her coworkers. I was informed by my boss the CEO of the company to fire her because of her actions. I am the type of person who tries to give people the benefit of the doubt but when it comes down to my job that could be up for hire something has to be done about this individual. After bringing this young lady in my office along with her supervisor because there always has to be a witness and a mediator for the people who will be let go. After reviewing her performance her status of excellence has declined and her attitude towards her work and others had declined too.
 I let her explain what is going on before she would be dismissed. She told us that she has always been this way and that it is in her nature to act the way she do. Conflict resolution that I used with this employee is the unpredictable polices that I used in all of the steps above to cover the company from any lawsuits.
I had explained to that her that there should be no kind of harassment in the work because one bad apple could destroy bunch. I also came to a conclusion that if she could stop all the drama and be a team player for six months that she would come off probation. If she does not make it through her probation period, she will be terminated on the spot and will not be able to receive unemployment. After this agreement was made then she had to sign this form of disciplinary sheet explaining what took place and the result of what could happen if she fails follow policy.

Abhishekshah, (2013), Bosses get rid of employees with too many bad habits: Business:  Retrieved from:
Gabriel, B., (2013)Angry boss argue employee woman and she tried to defend with boxing gloves isolated on white background; Royalty Free Stock Photos: Retrieved from:

Webster, M. (2013), Bad News: Dictionary, Encyclopedia Britannica Company; Retrieved from:


Friday, January 11, 2013

Productivity of Communication

Productivity of communication is a skill in which it is taught
through the interaction of meeting people from all types of
regions, religions, sex, and origin. Productivity of
communication is a moving skill that involves public relations
of speaking, and interpreting language either for work,
school, networking or public speaking.



Aisha, S., (2007), Leader speaking to audience. 3d rendered
illustration; Rotalty Free Stock Photos, Retrieved from,