Monday, February 11, 2013

Media Technology Blog Post

      Radio is a social media communicated through the airwaves, and network with an audience listening and calling in for request to his or her favorite songs through electronic commuication. Radio is not just a show that is broadcast on air, but it is a show that reaches out to people, goes to fundraisers, and school events. “You could make that stretch, but keep in mind that radio became social because it had to in order to survive, while social media is social because it wants to be. In fairness, radio is limited by its own technology, but has compensated for that with flexibility and originality. And before you claim that radio is proprietary and thus not eligible to be a social medium, remember that the only social network which isn’t proprietary today is email – every other social network is owned by someone else and controlled by just a few” (Ducharme, 2012). Social media for radio also has a variety range of listeners of all ages even when there is an event going on, people will show up. Social media for radio has brought listners to the radio station by way of internet, FaceBook, and Twitter. This is a social network fro listeners to connect through the internet when the telephone is busy. Radio can reach people, in which most other social media's cannot reach because of its popularity or the Disc Jockey's that are on there.


      Television has been around since 1939 and important in people’s lives because of their favorite shows, sports, or morning stories. This kind of social media can bring families together for certain occasion like family night. Also not just that social media in this technology has drove people to buy multiple TV’s for each room of his or her house. Social media also brings news to the television station to let people know what is going on around the world as-well-as their own back yard. Social Media has many programs that are communicated on television shows where people can see an different venues theme parks on televisions that they would want to go visit one day. “That’s the way it goes. Sure, we can’t watch everything all the time, we catch-up at a later date because we’ve DVR’s it or watch it on the multiple apps networks have churned out in the last year (where commercial air also), but it’s usually after we’ve read all of the comments from the peanut gallery. So the element of surprise is lost and our thoughts about the content are already shaped by what we have read. It is for all these reasons that make television advertising so vital. TV is a medium we must watch if we want to understand what’s going on right now. We have to be watching The Walking Dead or the World Series when it is happening. Appointment viewing still exists” (Hein, 2012). The best time for social media and television is during the holidays when all kinds of sales go on. Thanksgiving and Christmas is the biggest time for these ads to air on television to have people from all over to go shopping for his or her family. Social media is a big part of television where people can go online to print out coupons for stores or other items to recieve a discount.
      Computers are another social media, which is a major factor in the whole wide world because this is where people get to communicate with others. FaceBook, Twitter, and MySpace have become a social network for people to communicate with friends and family. Also to meet new people who are interesting in you as-well-as online video chat where you can see the other person you are talking too. Social network is also being done in this classroom where students can meet others students from different states and still be able to come together for discussion. “This panel shared a range of interpretations of the relationship between social networking, collaboration and the writing classroom. Through their collective examination, the panel supported the common belief that social networking creates a collaborative environment in the writing classroom and teachers can use a range of social networking activities or technologies to facilitate this collaboration. The speakers demonstrated, however, the outcomes of the activities hinge on the expectations, epistemologies, and ideologies that guide the activities, no matter what technologies are used to construct them” (McClure, 2007). Social network for computers have become almost a necessity that any business or person can use for themselves to communicate or to look up information on anything.
       Cell phones are the most important technology that was ever invented for social media because with cell phones, it is just like possessing a small computer at your fingertips. Cell phones can do just about everything that a computer has even video chat live with other people from across the country. The good part about cell phones is that people can carry them anywhere and text and talk whenever they get ready. Cell phones today also have cameras where someone can take a picture and send it to the other person in seconds. The popularity of social networking sites like Facebook and Foursquare are feeding the growth of the mobile internet. People want to stay connected to their friends and community, even when they are away from their main computer. Thanks to the mobile Internet, they can stay connected. Recent research indicates that the rate of growth in mobile Internet use and specifically for accessing social networking sites make the mobile internet and social networking sites important for small business” (Kingston, 2012). In conclusion television, radio, computers, and cell phones all have a social media to meet people and to get their audience attention to the technology that is improving every day.


Ducharme, J. (May 31, 2012), What Social Media can Learn from Radio: Radio: Retrieved from,The First Social Network; Retrieved from,  

Hein, K. (October 29, 2012), Why Social Media Has TV Ads; Forbes Brand Voice; Retrieved from,  

Kingston, C. (2012) The Mobile Revolution is Coming: Retrieved from,  

McClure, R. (2007) Social Networking I: Social Networks and Computer Classrooms: Where Do Collaboration, Play, and Pedagogy Fit; Retrieved from,  
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